4.1         Audit Requirements


4.1.1     As per the Trunk Road T2 EM&A Manual, the landscape and visual mitigation measures during the construction phase shall be audited by a Registered Landscape Architect, as a member of the Environmental Team, at least once every two weeks to ensure compliance with the intended aims of the measures.


4.1.2     According to the Kai Tak Development EM&A Manual, measures to mitigate landscape and visual impacts during construction should be checked to ensure compliance with the intended aims of the measures. The progress of the engineering works shall be regularly reviewed onsite to identify the earliest practical opportunities for the landscape works to be undertaken. The ET shall report on the Contractor’s compliance on a weekly basis.


4.2         Results and Observations


4.2.1     To monitor and audit the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures, four weekly Landscape and Visual Site audits were carried out on 5, 12 18 and 26 January 2017 and two of them, 5 and 18 January 2017 were carried out by a Registered Landscape Architect. The weekly Landscape and Visual Impact reports were counter-signed by IEC as according to the requirement of EM&A Manual (AEIAR-130/2009).


4.2.2     During the Site audit on 5 January 2017, it is observed that open stockpiles at Portion I were not fully covered by impervious sheeting. The item was rectified by the Contractor and inspected on 12 January 2017.


4.2.3     During the Site audit on 18 January 2017, it is observed that open stockpiles at Portion I were not fully covered by impervious sheeting. The item was rectified by the Contractor and inspected on 26 January 2017.


4.2.4     Should non-compliance of the landscape and visual impact occur, action in accordance to the event action plan presented in Appendix H shall be carried out.