Summary of Site Audit in the Reporting Month



Observations and Recommendations


Air Quality

6 July 2017

Stockpile of excavated materials shall be covered with impervious sheeting. (Zone 4)

The item was rectified by the Contractor and inspected on 13 July 2017.

13 July 2017

Spent bags of cement shall be stored properly. (Zone 3)

The item was rectified by the Contractor and inspected on 19 July 2017.


27 July 2017

Contractor was reminded to close the door of the air compressor to reduce noise emission. (Zone 4)

The item was rectified by the Contractor and inspected on 3 August 2017.

Water Quality

6 July 2017

Seepage of muddy water shall be prevented. (Portion I)

The item was rectified by the Contractor and inspected on 13 July 2017.

Chemical and Waste Management

6 July 2017

Chemical containers shall be stored on drip tray. (Zone 2)

The item was rectified by the Contractor and inspected on 13 July 2017.

13 July 2017

Chemical containers shall be stored on drip tray. (Zone 4)


Chemical containers shall be stored in good conditions. (Zone 1)

The item was rectified by the Contractor and inspected on 19 July 2017.

Land Contamination


Landscape and Visual Impact

6 July 2017

Stockpile of excavated materials shall be covered with impervious sheeting. (Zone 4)

The item was rectified by the Contractor and inspected on 13 July 2017.

General Condition

19 July 2017

Stagnant water was observed at Portion I and Zone 1. Contractor shall remove stagnant water frequently. (Portion I and Zone 1)

The item was rectified by the Contractor and inspected on 27 July 2017.