3.            NOISE


3.1         Monitoring Requirement


3.1.1      In accordance with the approved EM&A Manuals, Leq (30min) monitoring is conducted for at least once a week during the construction phase between 0700 and 1900 on normal weekdays at the designated monitoring locations.


3.2         Monitoring Methodology


3.2.1      The monitoring procedures are as follows:


n   The monitoring station is set at a point 1m from the exterior of the sensitive receivers building façade and set at a position 1.2m above the ground. 

n   The battery condition is checked to ensure good functioning of the meter.

n   Parameters such as frequency weighting, the time weighting and the measurement time are set as follows:


n   frequency weighting : A

n   time weighting : Fast

n   measurement time : Weekly 30 minutes between 0700-1900 on normal weekdays


n   Prior to and after noise measurement, the meter shall be calibrated using the calibrator for 94.0 dB at 1000 Hz. If the difference in the calibration level before and after measurement is more than 1.0 dB, the measurement will be considered invalid and repeat of noise measurement is required after re-calibration or repair of the equipment.

n   Noise monitoring should be cancelled in the presence of fog, rain, and wind with a steady speed exceeding 5 m/s, or wind with gusts exceeding 10 m/s.

n   Noise measurement should be paused during periods of high intrusive noise if possible and observation shall be recorded when intrusive noise is not avoided.

n   At the end of the monitoring period, the Leq, L10 and L90 are recorded. In addition, site conditions and noise sources are recorded on a standard record sheet.


3.3         Monitoring Locations


3.3.1      According to the EM&A Manual, three noise monitoring locations, namely KTD1, KTD2 and KER1, are covered by this Contract within the South Apron Area of Former Kai Tak Airport. The other two noise monitoring locations, which are identified in Cha Kwo Ling area, are farther than 300m away from the site boundary and thus not covered by this Contract. The monitoring works in Cha Kwo Ling area are covered by Contract No. ED/2018/04.


3.3.2       According to the approved alternative baseline air quality and noise monitoring locations (EPD reference: EP2/K19/A/21 Pt.5), the original monitoring locations (KTD1, KTD2 and KER1) are proposed to be replaced by alternative monitoring locations (KTD1a, KTD2a and KER1a) for noise monitoring.


3.3.3       According to the approved relocation of monitoring location KER1a (EPD reference: () in EP2/K19/A/21 Pt.5), the monitoring location KER1a are proposed to be relocated by alternative monitoring location KER1b for noise monitoring. 

3.3.4       According to the approved relocation of monitoring location KTD2a (EPD reference: () in EP2/K19/A/21 Pt.6), the monitoring location KTD2a are proposed to be relocated by alternative monitoring location KTD2b for noise monitoring.


3.3.5      According to the approved relocation of monitoring location KTD2b (EPD reference: () in EP2/K19/A/21 pt.7), the monitoring location KTD2b are proposed to be relocated by alternative monitoring location KTD2c for noise monitoring.


3.3.6      As informed by the ET of Contract No. ED/2018/04, the monitoring location KTD1a and KER1b have been relocated to KTD1 and KER1 for noise monitoring on 3 August 2020.


3.3.7       The locations are summarized in Table 3.1 and shown in Figure 2.


3.3         Results and Observations


Baseline Monitoring


3.3.1      The baseline noise monitoring results established was used for the Project (from 21 January 2016 to 6 February 2016) and derive the Action and Limit Levels. The graphical presentations for baseline noise monitoring over the project period are shown in Appendix C.


Impact Monitoring


3.3.2      The graphical presentations for impact noise monitoring in the reporting period are shown in Appendix D.


3.3.3      Total 3 Limit Level exceedance were recorded in the reporting period. Base on the investigation, the occasional exceedances were non-project related. In general, the monitoring parameters were within the range of the baseline levels.