Summary of Main Works Undertaken and
Key Measures Implemented
Summary of Exceedances, Investigation
and Follow-up
Complaint Handling, Prosecution and
Public Engagement
Review of Status and Location of
Monitoring Stations
Construction Activities undertaken
during the Reporting Month
Status of Environmental Licensing and
Parameters and Frequency
of EM&A Result with EIA Prediction
Parameters, Frequency and Duration
Methodology and QA/QC Procedure.
of EM&A Result with EIA Prediction
Implementation Status of
Environmental Mitigation Measures
Implementation Status of Event and
Action Plans
Status of Required Submission under
Environmental Permit
11 Environmental
Summary of Complaint, Warning,
Notification of any Summons and Successful Prosecution
13 Conclusions and
I Summary of Key Construction
Work in the Reporting Month
II Summary of Key Mitigation
Measures Implemented in the Reporting Month
Table III Summary of Complaint/Summons/Prosecution in the Reporting Month
Table IV Summary Table for Site Activities in
the next Reporting Period
Table V Summary Table for Review of Status and Location of Monitoring Stations
Table 1.1 Key Project Contacts
1.2 Summary of Key Construction
Work in the Reporting Month
Table 1.3 Summary of Environmental License and Permit
Table 2.1 Air Quality Monitoring Locations
Table 2.2 Frequency and Parameters of Air Quality Monitoring
Table 2.3 Air Quality Monitoring Equipment
Table 2.4 Major Dust Source during Air Quality Monitoring
Table 2.5 Comparison of 1-hr TSP Monitoring Data with Predictions in EIA Report (not used)
Table 2.6 Comparison of 24-hr TSP Monitoring Data with Predictions in EIA Report
Table 3.1 Noise Monitoring Stations
Table 3.2 Frequency and Parameters of Noise Monitoring
Table 3.3 Noise Monitoring Equipment
Table 3.4 Major Noise Source during Noise Monitoring
Table 3.5 Baseline Noise Level and Noise Limit Level for Monitoring Stations
Table 3.6 Comparison of Noise Monitoring Data with Predictions in EIA Report
Table 7.1 Construction Phase Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
Table 7.2 Construction Phase Audit Checklist for Landscape and Visual
Mitigation Measures
Table 10.1 Observations and Recommendations of Site Audit
Table 10.2 Status of Required Submission under Environmental Permit
Table 12.1 Summary Table for Site Activities and the Key Environmental Issues in the next Reporting Period
Figure 1.1 Layout Plan
of the Project Site
Figure 1.2 Project
Organisation for Environmental Monitoring and Audit
Figure 2 Locations of
Air Quality and Construction Noise Monitoring Stations
Appendix A Action and Limit Levels
Appendix B Environmental Monitoring Schedules
Appendix C Copies of Calibration Certificates for Air Quality Monitoring
Appendix D Weather
Appendix E 1-hour TSP Monitoring Results and Graphical Presentations (not used)
Appendix F 24-hour TSP Monitoring Results and
Graphical Presentations
Appendix G Copies of Calibration Certificates for Noise
Appendix H Noise
Monitoring Results and Graphical Presentations
Appendix J Event and Action Plans
Appendix K Environmental Mitigation Implementation
Schedule (EMIS)
Appendix M Summary of Exceedance
Appendix N Tentative Construction Programme
Appendix O Waste Generated in the Reporting Month
1. This is the 59th Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report prepared by the Environmental Team (ET), Cinotech Consultants Ltd., for “Trunk Road T2”. This report summarized the monitoring results and audits findings of the EM&A programme under the issued Environmental Permit (EP) No. EP-451/2013 and in accordance with the EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013) during the reporting month of January 2025.
2. The main works of each works contracts undertaken during the reporting period are as follows:
Table I Summary of Key Construction
Work in the Reporting Month
Contract No. |
Project Title |
Site Activities |
ED/2018/04 |
Trunk Road T2 and Infrastructure Works for Developments at South Apron |
· WVB – ABWF works · WVB – E&M works · WVB – External works · DPR – GRC panel subframe installation ·
SUS – E&M works · LSCC – RC Structure · LSCC – Backfilling · TSS – WB internal structure from CP22 to CP26 · TSS – EB internal structure up to CP22 · CP – TSS WB Tympanum construction |
ED/2020/03 |
Trunk Road T2 - Traffic Control And
Surveillance System (TCSS) and Associated Works (1) |
· WVB Installation of cable containment · WB Tunnel – Installation of cable containment · Mock-up inside tunnel – cable containment, ALCS, CCTV, VD · Mock-up installation inside Service Gallery – PA speaker · Material delivery: Power cable, fibre cable |
Notes: (1): No major
construction work was undertaken during reporting month. N/A: Not applicable |
3. Implementation of the key mitigation measures during the reporting period are as follows:
Table II Summary of Key Mitigation Measures Implemented in the Reporting Month
Contract No. and Project
Title |
Key Mitigation Measures Implemented |
ED/2018/04 - Trunk Road T2 and Infrastructure Works for
Developments at South Apron |
Air Quality · Water spraying regularly on construction site area to avoid dust generation. · Excavated dusty materials were covered by impervious sheets. Noise · Air compressor was operated with door closed and have valid noise labels. · Use of Quality Powered Mechanical Equipment (QPME) · Erecting noise barriers on site to minimize noise impact generated from breaking activities. Water Quality · WetSep was constructed to treat the surface runoff prior to discharge. Landscape and Visual ·
Tree protection zone was
fenced off to protect the existing tree. |
ED/2020/03 - Trunk Road T2 - Traffic Control And
Surveillance System (TCSS) and Associated Works (1) |
N/A |
Notes: (1): No major
construction work was undertaken during reporting month. N/A: Not
applicable |
Exceedance of Action/Limit levels
during the reporting month (January 2025) and the investigation results and/or
follow-up actions:
Air Quality Monitoring
· No Action Level exceedance for 24-hour TSP was recorded.
· No Limit Level exceedance for 24-hour TSP was recorded.
Construction Noise Monitoring
· No Limit Level exceedance for day time construction noise was recorded in this reporting month.
· No Action Level exceedance was recorded in this reporting month.
Landscape and Visual
Monitoring and Audit
· No non-compliance of the landscape and visual impact was recorded in the reporting month. The implementation of landscape and visual and mitigation measures was checked by a Registered Landscape Architect (RLA) during the environmental site inspections.
Table III
Summary of Complaint/Summons/Prosecution in the Reporting Month
Event |
Event Details |
Follow-up/ Remedial Actions |
Status/ Remarks |
Number |
Brief Description |
Complaints Received |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
Notification of Summons and Prosecutions
Received |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
Public Engagement Activities |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
No reporting change in this reporting month.
The key works or activities will be anticipated in
the next reporting period are as follows:
Table IV
Summary Table for Site Activities in the next Reporting Period
No. and Project Title |
Site Activities (February 2025) |
Environmental Issues |
ED/2018/04 - Trunk Road T2 and Infrastructure Works
for Developments at South Apron |
WVB – ABWF works ·
WVB – E&M works ·
WVB – External works ·
DPR – GRC panel subframe installation ·
SUS – E&M works ·
LSCC – RC Structure ·
LSCC – Backfilling ·
TSS – WB internal structure from CP22 to CP26 ·
TSS – EB internal structure up to CP22 ·
CP – TSS WB Tympanum construction ·
DPR – Parapet installation ·
DPR – Sign gantry erection |
/ (B) / (C) / (D) |
ED/2020/03 - Trunk Road T2 - Traffic Control And Surveillance System (TCSS) and Associated Works
(1) |
FAT for Operation Facility ·
FAT for Manual Barrier |
Notes: (1):
No major construction work was undertaken during reporting month. N/A: Not applicable (A) Dust
generation from haul road, stockpile of dusty materials, exposed
site area, excavation works and rock breaking activities; (B) Noisy construction activity such as
rock-breaking activities and piling works (C) Runoff from exposed slope or site area;
and (D) Wastewater and runoff discharge from
site. |
According to the EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), the
number and location of the monitoring stations and parameters should be
reviewed in every six months, or on as -needed basis, in order to cater for any
changes in the surrounding environmental and the nature of works in progress.
The latest review was conducted in January 2025 and the review of status and
location of monitoring stations are summarized as follow:
Table V Summary Table for Review of Status and
Location of Monitoring Stations
Station ID |
Status |
Action/ Recommendation |
KTD 2d |
ET has reviewed the status and location of KER1, KTD 1, KTD2d, CKL1 and CKL2. To conclude, the environmental monitoring conducted at KER1, KTD 1, KTD2d, CKL 1 and CKL 2 are appropriate, and the monitoring results reflect how the sensitive receiver(s) is/are impacted by the construction activities of the Project. |
N/A |
KER1 |
KTD 1 |
CKL 1 |
CKL 2 |
N/A: Not Applicable |
In 2009, Civil Engineering and Development Department
(CEDD) commissioned a Kai Tak
Development (KTD) – Trunk Road T2 and Infrastructure at South Apron
Investigation. The assignment covers the provision of the Trunk Road T2 and its
connections with the Central Kowloon Route (CKR) at the north apron area and
the Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel (TKOLTT) to the south in the Cha Kwo Ling
The Trunk Road T2 Project is one of the designated
Projects under Schedule 2 of the EIAO proposed in the KTD. CEDD submitted the
Project Profile (No. PP-379/2009) on 24 March 2009 for application for an EIA
study brief for the Trunk Road T2 Project under the EIAO. Accordingly, an EIA
Study Brief (ESB-203/2009) for the Trunk Road T2 Project was issued on 30 April
2009. The Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for the Trunk Road T2 Project was approved under
the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) on 19 September 2013. The
corresponding Environmental Permit (EP) was issued on 19 September 2013 (EP no.:
The Contract No. ED/2018/04 is the main contract of
Trunk Road T2 (“T2 Main Works”) which comprises mainly the design and
construction of a dual two-lane trunk road of approximately 3.4km long with
about 3.1km of the trunk road in form of tunnel; ventilation and administration
buildings, environmental protection and mitigation works and etc. Moreover, the
Contract No. ED/2020/03 is the other contract under Truck Road T2 Project which
comprises mainly design and construction of the TCSS for this Project. The
EM&A programme at Kai Tak area under the Contract
ED/2018/04 and ED/2020/03 are governed by the EP-451/2013 and EM&A Manual
(AEIAR-174/2013). The work areas of the Trunk Road T2 Project are shown in Figure 1 and the works to be executed
under each Contract and corresponding EP are summarized as follows:
Permit |
Description |
EP-451/2013 – Trunk Road T2 |
ED/2018/04 · Construction of highway and sub-sea tunnel
connecting between Central Kowloon Route and Cha Kwo Ling Tunnel · Western & Eastern Ventilation Buildings ED/2020/03 · Design and construction of TCSS for Trunk
Road T2 |
Works in Kai Tak under EP-451/2013
Contract No. KL/2014/03 – Kai Tak Development – Stage 3 Infrastructure Works
for Development at the Southern Part of the Former Runway (“T2 Advance Works”),
the baseline monitoring works in Kai Tak under the EM&A Manual
(AEIAR-174/2013) were conducted by the Environmental Team (ET) for the Contract No. KL/2014/03 at the
approved relocated monitoring locations (EPD reference: EP2/K19/A/21 pt.5),
namely KTD1a, KTD2a & KER1a. During the impact monitoring period,
monitoring locations KTD 2a and KER 1a were relocated to new locations, i.e.
KTD 2b and KER 1b (EPD reference: ( ) in EP2/K19/A/21 pt. 6 and ( ) in EP2/K19/A/21 pt. 5)
respectively. Location KTD2b was then further relocated
to location KTD2c, the proposal of such relocation was submitted to EPD on 24
March 2020 and was approved by EPD on 6 April 2020 (EPD reference: ( ) in EP2/K19/A/21 pt.7). The aforementioned relocation was
effective from 9 April 2020. Since the major part of work under Contract No.
KL/2014/03 has been completed and monitoring works conducted by the ET of Contract No. KL/2014/03 was determined to be ceased, the impact monitoring within the Kai Tak area was then handed over to the ET
of Contract No. ED/2018/04 on 1 August 2020.The monitoring location has been
reviewed and updated to obtain the data with higher representative based on
several conditions, such as distance between monitoring location and the
sensitive receiver, non-project related interference, obstruction to the
construction works on site and the power supply problem. The monitoring
location KTD1a and KER1b has been updated to the monitoring location KTD1 and
KER1 on 3 August 2020, where are the original location as proposed in the
EM&A manual (AEIAR-174/2013). And the monitoring location KTD2c was
remained unchanged after the aforementioned review. Location
KTD2c was then further relocated to location KTD2d, the proposal of such
relocation was submitted on 9 March 2021 and was approved by EPD on 27 March 2021 (EPD
reference: ( ) in EP2/K19/A/21 pt.8). The
aforementioned relocation was effective from 24 May 2021. The impact monitoring for the three stations KTD1, KTD2d and KER1 are
currently conducted by the ET of T2 Main Works
Monitoring Works in Cha Kwo Ling under
The environmental impact of the remaining
works in Cha Kwo Ling, under EP-451/2013, shall be monitored at the two
proposed stations, namely CKL1, CKL2, in accordance to the EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013). The impact monitoring for the two proposed stations
shall be conducted by the ET of T2 Main Works.
Cinotech Consultants
Ltd. Was designated as
the Environmental Team (ET) to
undertake the EM&A works for “Trunk
Road T2 and Infrastructure Works for Developments at the Former South Apron”
(hereinafter called the “Project”) and “Trunk Road T2 –Traffic Control &
Surveillance System (TCSS) and Associated Works”.
This is
the 59th Monthly EM&A Report which summarises the impact
monitoring results and audit findings for the EM&A programme
during the reporting period in January 2025.
1.8 Different Parties with different levels of involvement in the Project organization include:
· Permit Holder – Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)
Representative – Hyder-Meinhardt Joint Venture (HMJV)
· Environmental Team (ET) – Cinotech Consultants Limited (Cinotech)
· Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) – Ramboll Hong Kong Limited (Ramboll)
· Contractor – Bouygues Travaux Publics (BTP) (For ED/2018/04) & GTECH Services (Hong Kong) Limited (For ED/2020/03)
1.9 The key contacts of the Project are shown in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Key Project Contacts
Party |
Role |
Contact Person |
Phone No. |
Permit Holder |
Mr. Wong Chi Wai, Tommy |
3842 7111 |
Supervisor Representative |
Ms. Hazel Tang |
2149 8524 |
Cinotech |
Environmental Team |
Mr. KS Lee (ETL) |
2151 2091 |
Ms. Karina Chan |
2157 3880 |
Ramboll |
Independent Environmental Checker |
Mr. YH Hui |
3465 2850 |
Contractor (ED/2018/04) |
Mr. Roy Leung |
6628 2685 |
Contractor (ED/2020/03) |
Mr. Deacon Choi |
6038 3568 |
The Organizational Structure for Environmental Management is shown in Figure 1.2.
1.11 The major site activities undertaken in the reporting month included:
Table 1.2 Summary of Key Construction Work
in the Reporting Month
No. |
Title |
Site Activities
ED/2018/04 |
Trunk Road T2 and Infrastructure Works for Developments at South Apron |
· WVB – ABWF works · WVB – E&M works · WVB – External works · DPR – GRC panel subframe installation ·
SUS – E&M works · LSCC – RC Structure · LSCC – Backfilling · TSS – WB internal structure from CP22 to CP26 · TSS – EB internal structure up to CP22 · CP – TSS WB Tympanum construction |
ED/2020/03 |
Trunk Road
T2 – Traffic Control And Surveillance System (TCSS)
and Associated Works (1) |
· WVB Installation of cable containment · WB Tunnel – Installation of cable containment · Mock-up inside tunnel – cable containment, ALCS, CCTV, VD · Mock-up installation inside Service Gallery – PA speaker ·
Material delivery: Power
cable, fibre cable |
Notes: (1): No major construction work was undertaken
during reporting month. N/A: Not applicable |
1.12 The EM&A programme requires construction noise, air quality monitoring and environmental site audit, etc. The EM&A requirements for each parameter are described in the following sections, including:
· All monitoring parameters;
· Action and Limit levels for all environmental parameters;
· Event Action Plans;
· Environmental mitigation measures, as recommended in the Project EIA Report.
1.13 The advice on the implementation status of environmental protection and pollution control/mitigation measures is summarized in Section 10 of this report.
1.14 This report presents the monitoring results, observations, locations, equipment, period, methodology and QA/QC procedures of the monitoring parameters of the required environmental monitoring works and audit works for the Project in January 2025.
1.15 All permits/licenses obtained for the Project are summarized in Table 1.3.
Table 1.3 Summary of Environmental License and
Contract No. |
Permit / License No. |
Valid Period |
Status |
From |
To |
Permit (EP) |
N/A |
EP-451/2013 |
19 Sep 2013 |
N/A |
Valid |
Notification pursuant to Air Pollution
(Construction Dust) Regulation |
ED/2018/04 |
Ref. No.: 451120 |
20 Nov 2019 |
N/A |
Valid |
ED/2020/03 |
Ref. No.: 483143 |
15 Aug 2022 |
N/A |
Valid |
Billing Account for Construction Waste
Disposal |
ED/2018/04 |
A/C No.: 7036016 |
09 Dec 2019 |
N/A |
Valid |
ED/2020/03 |
A/C No.: 7043158 |
31 Jan 2022 |
N/A |
Valid |
Billing Account for Vessel Disposal |
ED/2018/04 |
A/C No.: 7037747 (Application No.: CEDD01249) |
26 Oct 2024 |
25 Jan 2025 |
Valid until 25 Jan 25 |
A/C No.: 7037747 (Application No.: CEDD01260) |
26 Jan 2025 |
25 Apr 2025 |
Valid |
Construction Noise Permit |
ED/2018/04 |
CNP No. (For Launching
Shaft and Barging Point): GW-RE0988-24 |
25 Aug 2024 |
24 Feb 2025 |
Valid |
CNP No. (For Depressed
Road & Supporting Area): GW-RE1321-24 |
30 Oct 2024 |
30 Mar 2025 |
Valid |
CNP No. (For Launching
Shaft and Barging Point): GW-RE1660-24 |
30 Dec 2024 |
29 Jun 2025 |
Valid |
Wastewater Discharge License |
ED/2018/04 |
WT00036183-2020 (For Depressed Road Area) |
27 Jul 2020 |
31 Jul 2025 |
Valid |
WT00039117-2021 (For Site Office and Support Area) |
28 Sep 2021 |
30 Sep 2026 |
Valid |
WT00036228-2020 (For Launching Shaft) |
10 Nov 2021 |
31 Jul 2025 |
Valid |
WT10001495-2023 (For TBM Consumable Storage Area) |
12 Mar 2024 |
31 Mar 2029 |
Valid |
Chemical Waste Producer License |
ED/2018/04 |
WPN: 5213-286-B2557-03 |
09 Mar 2020 |
N/A |
Valid |
Marine Dumping Permit |
ED/2018/04 |
EP/MD/25-047 |
01 Jan 2025 |
31 Mar 2025 |
Valid |
2.1 According to the EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), 24-hour Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) monitoring was conducted to monitor the air quality for this Project. For regular impact monitoring, a sampling frequency of at least once in every six days at all of the monitoring stations for 24-hour TSP monitoring. In case of complaints, 1-hour TSP monitoring should be conducted at least three times in every six days when the highest dust impacts are likely to occur. Appendix A shows the established Action/Limit Levels for the environmental monitoring works.
2.2 Five designated monitoring stations were selected for air quality monitoring programme. Table 2.1 describes the air quality monitoring locations, which are also depicted in Figure 2.
2.3 The monitoring location at Kai Tak area has been reviewed and updated to obtain the data with higher representative based on several conditions, such as distance between monitoring location and the sensitive receiver, non-project related interference, obstruction to the construction works on site and the power supply problem. The monitoring location KTD1a and KER1b has been updated to KTD1 and KER1 respectively, where are the original location as proposed in the EM&A manual (AEIAR-174/2013). And the monitoring location KTD2c was remained unchanged after the aforementioned review. Monitoring location KTD2c was then further relocated to KTD2d after the review of status and location of monitoring station conducted in between February and March 2021.
Table 2.1 Air Quality Monitoring Locations
Monitoring Stations |
Location |
KTD1 |
Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics
(Children’s Hospital) |
KTD2d |
Next to the SOR Office of Trunk Road T2 in
Kai Tak Area |
KER1 |
Future Residential Development at Kerry
Godown |
CKL1 |
Flat 121 Cha Kwo Ling Village |
CKL2 |
Flat 103 Cha Kwo Ling Village |
Table 2.2 summarizes the monitoring parameters,
monitoring period and frequencies of impact air quality monitoring. The
monitoring schedule is shown in Appendix
Table 2.2
Frequency and Parameters of Air Quality Monitoring
Stations |
Parameter |
Period |
Frequency |
KTD1, KTD2d,
KER1, CKL1 & CKL2 |
1-hour TSP |
0700 – 1900 |
3 times per 6 days (as required in
case of complaints) |
KTD1, KTD2d,
KER1, CKL1 & CKL2 |
24-hour TSP |
24 hours |
Once every 6
days |
2.5 High Volume Samplers (HVS) in compliance with the specification stipulated in the EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), Section, were used to carry out 24-hour TSP monitoring. Direct reading dust meter were also used to measure 1-hour average TSP levels. The 1-hour sampling was determined by HVS to check the validity and accuracy of the results measured by direct reading method.
2.6 Wind data monitoring equipment was set at rooftop (about 41/F) of Yau Lai Estate Bik Lai House, Lam Tin for logging wind speed and wind direction such that the wind sensors were clear of obstructions or turbulence caused by building. The wind data monitoring equipment was re-calibrated at least once every six months and the wind directions were divided into 16 sectors of 22.5 degrees each. Wind data is attached in Appendix D.
2.7 Table 2.3 summarizes the equipment used for air quality monitoring. Copies of calibration certificates are attached in Appendix C.
2.3 Air Quality Monitoring
HVS Sampler |
TISCH Model: TE-5170 (Serial no. 0723, 1956, 10595, 1316, 5280) |
5 |
Calibrator |
TISCH Model: TE-5025A (Serial no. 3864) |
1 |
Wind Anemometer |
Davis Weather Monitor II, Model no. 7440 (Serial no. MC01010A44) |
1 |
1-hour TSP Monitoring
Measuring Procedures
2.8 The measuring procedures of the 1-hour dust meter are in accordance with the Manufacturer’s Instruction Manual as follows:
(Sibata Model No.: LD-3B/LD-5R)
· The 1-hour dust meter is placed at least 1.3 meters above ground.
· Set POWER to “ON” and make sure that the battery level was not flash or in low level.
· Allow the instrument to stand for about 3 minutes and then the cap of the air sampling inlet has been released.
· Push the knob at MEASURE position.
· Set time/mode setting to [BG] by pushing the time setting switch. Then, start the background measurement by pushing the start/stop switch once. It will take 6 sec. to complete the background measurement.
· Push the time setting switch to change the time setting display to [MANUAL] at the bottom left of the liquid crystal display. Finally, push the start/stop switch to stop the measuring after 1 hour sampling.
· Information such as sampling date, time, count value and site condition were recorded during the monitoring period.
2.9 The following maintenance/calibration is required for the 1-hour dust meter:
· Check and calibrate the meter by HVS to check the validity and accuracy of the results measured by direct reading method at 2-month intervals throughout all stages of the air quality monitoring.
24-hour TSP Monitoring
2.10 High volume samplers (HVS) (TISCH Model: TE-5170) complete with appropriate sampling inlets was employed for 24-hour TSP monitoring. The sampler was composed of a motor, a filter holder, a flow controller and a sampling inlet and its performance specification complied with that required by USEPA Standard Title 40, Code of Federation Regulations Chapter 1 (Part 50). Moreover, the HVS also met all the requirements in Section 2.2 of the Annex II Specification.
2.11 The positioning of the HVS samplers are as follows:
horizontal platform with appropriate support to secure the samplers against
gusty wind shall be provided;
two samplers shall be placed less than 2 meters apart;
distance between the sampler and an obstacle, such as buildings, must be at
least twice the height that the obstacle protrudes above the sampler;
minimum of 2 metres of separation from walls, parapets and penthouses is
required for rooftop samplers;
minimum of 2 metres of separation from any supporting structure, measured
horizontally is required;
furnace or incinerator flue is nearby;
around the sampler is unrestricted;
sampler is more than 20 metres from the dripline;
wire fence and gate, to protect the sampler, shall not cause any obstruction
during monitoring;
must be obtained to set up the samplers and to obtain access to the monitoring
stations; and
secured supply of electricity is needed to operate the samplers.
procedures for the operation of HVS
2.12 Operating/analytical procedures for the air quality monitoring are highlighted as follows:
Prior to the commencement of
the dust sampling, the flow rate of the high-volume sampler was properly set (between 0.6 m3/min.
and 1.7 m3/min.) in accordance with the EM&A manual (AEIAR-174/2013). The flow rate shall be indicated on the
flow rate chart.
TSP sampling, fiberglass filters with a collection efficiency of > 99% for
particles of 0.3μm diameter were used.
power supply was checked to ensure the sampler worked properly. On sampling, the sampler was operated for 5
minutes to establish thermal equilibrium before placing any filter media at the
designated air monitoring station.
filter holding frame was then removed by loosening the four nuts and a weighted
and conditioned filter was carefully centered with
the stamped number upwards, on a supporting screen.
filter was aligned on the screen so that the gasket formed an airtight seal on
the outer edges of the filter. Then the
filter holding frame was tightened to the filter holder with swing bolts. The
applied pressure should be sufficient to avoid air leakage at the edges.
shelter lid was closed and secured with the aluminium strip.
timer was then programmed. Information
was recorded on the record sheet, which included the starting time, the weather
condition and the filter number (the initial weight of the filter paper can be
found out by using the filter number).
sampling, the filter was removed and sent to the HOKLAS laboratory (High
Precision Chemical Testing Ltd.) for weighing.
The elapsed time was also recorded.
· Before weighing, all filters were equilibrated in a conditioning environment for 24 hours. The conditioning environment temperature should be between 25°C and 30°C and not vary by more than ±3°C; the relative humidity (RH) should be < 50% and not vary by more than ±5%. A convenient working RH is 40%.
2.13 The following maintenance/calibration is required for the HVS:
high-volume motors and their accessories were properly maintained. Appropriate
maintenance such as routine motor brushes replacement and electrical wiring
checking were made to ensure that the equipment and necessary power supply are
in good working condition.
· High volume samplers were calibrated at bi-monthly intervals using TE-5025A Calibration Kit throughout all stages of the air quality monitoring.
2.14 Impact air quality monitoring was conducted at five monitoring stations as scheduled. The monitoring schedule is shown in Appendix B.
2.15 No Action and no Limit Level exceedance was recorded for 24-hour TSP monitoring in the reporting month. No exceedance of 24-hour TSP were considered as project related and no exceedance of 24-hour TSP were considered as non-project related. Details of the exceedance are presented in Appendix M.
2.16 The air temperature, relative humidity, and the precipitation data were obtained from daily extracts of Hong Kong Observatory Climate Information Service. This weather information for the reporting month is summarized in Appendix D.
2.17 The monitoring data and graphical presentations of 24-hour TSP monitoring results are shown in Appendix F.
2.18 According to field observations observed in the reporting period, the major dust source identified at the designated air quality monitoring stations are as follows:
Table 2.4
Major Dust Source during Air Quality Monitoring
Stations |
Major Dust Source |
KTD 1 - Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics
(Children’s Hospital) |
Project related
construction activities (i.e., Loading and unloading of C&D wastes,
drilling, crushing of material); ·
Vehicle movement
in the site; ·
activities at the nearby construction sites of New Acute Hospital; and, ·
Road traffic
along Shing Fung Road, Shing Cheong Road, Cheung Yip Street, Kai Hing Road
and Kwun Tong Bypass. |
KER 1 – Future Residential Development at Kerry Godown |
KTD 2d – Next to the SOR Office of Trunk Road T2
in Kai Tak Area |
Project related
construction activities (i.e., Loading and unloading of C&D material,
crushing of material); ·
Vehicle movement
in the site; and, ·
related construction activities (i.e excavating
work, Loading and unloading of C&D wastes at the nearby construction site
of Additional District Cooling System at Kai Tak Development, Paul Y.
Engineering.) |
CKL1 - Flat 121 Cha Kwo Ling Village |
Road Traffic
along Cha Kwo Ling Road |
CKL2 - Flat 103 Cha Kwo Ling Village |
Road Traffic
along Cha Kwo Ling Road |
The air monitoring data was compared
with the predictions in Table 4.14 of EIA Report, AEIAR-174/2013 (as approved
in 2013) as summarised in Table 2.6
for 24-hour TSP.
Table 2.6 Comparison of
24-hr TSP Monitoring Data with Predictions in EIA Report
Monitoring Stations |
Predicted Maximum 24-hr TSP Concentration in EIA Report (AEIAR-174/2013), μg/m3 |
Maximum 24-hr TSP
in the Reporting Month |
KTD 1 - Centre of Excellence
in Paediatrics (Children’s Hospital) |
KTD3 |
126 |
58.1 |
KTD 2d – Next to the SOR Office of Trunk Road T2 in Kai Tak Area |
(1) |
(1) |
137.1 |
KER 1 – Future
Residential Development at Kerry Godown |
KTD6 |
169 |
83.0 |
CKL1 - Flat 121 Cha Kwo Ling Village |
(1) |
(1) |
153.0 |
CKL2 - Flat 103 Cha Kwo Ling Village |
(1) |
(1) |
162.1 |
No 24-hr TSP concentration was predicted in EIA
Report (AEIAR-174/2013)
2.20 In the reporting month, the 24-hour TSP concentration at KER1 and KTD1 were lower than the prediction in the EIA Report, AEIAR-174/2013 (as approved in 2013). No Action and Limit level exceedance for 24-hour TSP was recorded in the reporting period.
3.1 According to the EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), construction noise monitoring was conducted to monitor the construction noise arising from the construction activities. The regular monitoring frequency for each monitoring station shall be on a weekly basis and conduct one set of measurements between 0700 and 1900 hours on normal weekdays. Appendix A shows the established Action and Limit Levels for the environmental monitoring works.
3.2 Noise monitoring was conducted at five designated monitoring stations, namely KTD1, KTD2d, KER1, CKL1 and CKL2 in the reporting period. Table 3.1 and Figure 2 show the locations of these stations.
3.3 The monitoring location at Kai Tak area has been reviewed and updated to obtain the data with higher representative based on several conditions, such as distance between monitoring location and the sensitive receiver, non-project related interference, obstruction to the construction works on site and the power supply problem. The monitoring location KTD1a and KER1b has been updated to KTD1 and KER1 respectively, where are the original location as proposed in the EM&A manual (AEIAR-174/2013). And the monitoring location KTD2c was remained unchanged after the aforementioned review. Monitoring location KTD2c was then further relocated to KTD2d after the review of status and location of monitoring station conducted in between February and March 2021.
Table 3.1 Noise Monitoring Stations
Monitoring Stations |
Location |
KTD1 |
Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics
(Children’s Hospital) |
KTD2d |
Next to the SOR Office of Trunk Road T2 in
Kai Tak Area |
KER1 |
Residential Development at Kerry Godown |
CKL1 |
Flat 121 Cha Kwo Ling Village |
CKL2 |
Flat 103 Cha Kwo Ling Village |
Table 3.2 summarizes the monitoring
parameters, frequency and total duration of monitoring. The noise monitoring schedule is shown in Appendix B.
Table 3.2 Frequency and Parameters of Noise
Monitoring Stations |
Time Period |
Duration |
Frequency |
Parameter |
Measurement |
KTD1 |
0700-1900 hrs on normal weekdays |
30 minutes |
Once per week |
L10(30 min.) dB(A) L90(30 min.) dB(A) Leq(30 min.) dB(A) |
Façade Measurement |
KTD2d |
Free Field Measurement |
KER1 |
Free Field Measurement |
CKL1 |
Free Field Measurement |
CKL2 |
Free Field Measurement |
Integrating Sound Level Meter was
used for impact noise monitoring. The meters were Type 1 sound level meter
capable of giving a continuous readout of the noise level readings including
equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq)
and percentile sound pressure level (Lx) that also complied with
International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651:1979 (Type 1) and
804:1985 (Type 1) specifications. Table 3.3 summarizes the noise monitoring
equipment being used within the reporting period. Copies of calibration
certificates are attached in Appendix G.
3.3 Noise Monitoring Equipment
Equipment |
Quantity |
Integrating Sound Level Meter |
BSWA 308 (Serial no. 570187, 580238, 580156) SVAN 957 (Serial no. 23851) |
4 |
Calibrator |
AWA6021A (Serial no.1023253, 1023064) |
2 |
3.6 The monitoring procedures are as follows:
· The monitoring station was normally be at a point 1m from the exterior of the sensitive receivers building façade and be at a position 1.2m above the ground.
· For free field measurement, the meter was positioned away from any nearby reflective surfaces. All records for free field noise levels were adjusted with a correction of +3 dB(A).
· The battery condition was checked to ensure the correct functioning of the meter.
· Parameters such as frequency weighting, the time weighting and the measurement time were set as follows:
- Frequency weighting: A
- Time weighting: Fast
- Time measurement: 30 minutes
· Prior to and after each noise measurement, the meter was calibrated using a Calibrator for 94.0 dB at 1000 Hz. If the difference in the calibration level before and after measurement was more than 1.0 dB, the measurement would be considered invalid and repeat of noise measurement would be required after re-calibration or repair of the equipment.
· The wind speed was frequently checked with the portable wind meter.
· At the end of the monitoring period, the Leq, L90 and L10 were recorded. In addition, site conditions and noise sources were recorded on a standard record sheet.
Noise monitoring would be
cancelled in the presence of fog, rain, and wind with a steady speed exceeding
5 m/s, or wind with gusts exceeding 10 m/s. Supplementary
monitoring would be
provided to ensure sufficient data would be obtained.
3.7 The microphone head of the sound level meter and calibrator were cleaned with a soft cloth at quarterly intervals.
3.8 The sound level meter and calibrator were checked and calibrated at yearly intervals.
3.9 Immediately prior to and following each noise measurement the accuracy of the sound level meter was checked using an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level at a known frequency. Measurements were accepted as valid only if the calibration levels from before and after the noise measurement agree to within 1.0 dB.
3.10 Impact noise monitoring was conducted at five monitoring stations as scheduled. The monitoring schedule is shown in Appendix B. No Action and Level exceedance was recorded for day time construction noise monitoring in the reporting month.
3.11 Noise monitoring results and graphical presentations are shown in Appendix H.
3.12 According to field observations observed in the reporting period, the major noise sources identified at the noise monitoring stations are shown in Table 3.4.
Table 3.4 Other Noise Source Identified during
Noise Monitoring
Stations |
Major Noise Source |
KTD 1 |
Project related
construction activities (Loading and unloading of C&D waste, travel of
vehicles, use of PME and other plants, and other construction activities); ·
Vehicle movement
in the site; ·
Road traffic
along Shing Cheong Road; and, ·
related construction activities at the nearby construction site of New Acute
Hospital. |
KTD 2d |
Project related
construction activities (Loading and unloading of C&D waste, travel of
vehicles, use of PME and other plants, and other construction activities); ·
Vehicle movement
in the site; and, ·
related construction activities. (i.e excavating
work, Loading and unloading of C&D wastes at the nearby construction site
of Additional District Cooling System at Kai Tak Development, Paul Y.
Engineering.) |
KER 1 |
Road traffic
along Kai Hing Road. ·
Project related
construction activities (Travel of vehicles, use of PME and other plants, and
other construction activities) |
CKL1 |
Road traffic
along Cha Kwo Ling Road. |
CKL2 |
Road traffic
along Cha Kwo Ling Road |
3.13 The baseline noise level and the Noise Limit Level at each designated noise monitoring station are presented in Table 3.5.
Table 3.5 Baseline Noise
Level and Noise Limit Level for Monitoring Stations
Monitoring Stations |
Baseline Noise Level, dB (A) |
Noise Limit Level, dB (A) (at 0700 – 1900 hrs on normal weekdays) |
KTD1 |
78 |
75 |
KTD2d |
64 |
KER1 |
65 |
CKL1 |
72.4 |
CKL2 |
71.4 |
3.14 The noise monitoring data was compared with the predictions in Table 5.13 of EIA Report (AEIAR-174/2013) as summarised in Table 3.6.
Table 3.6 Maximum Predicted Mitigated Construction
Noise Levels in EIA Report
Monitoring Stations |
Maximum Predicted Mitigated
Construction Noise Levels in EIA Report (AEIAR-174/2013), dB(A) |
Maximum Construction Noise Levels in
the Reporting
Month |
KTD1 - Centre of
Excellence in Paediatrics (Children’s Hospital) |
KTD1 |
74 |
70.7 |
KTD2d – Next to the
SOR Office of Trunk Road T2 in Kai Tak Area |
N/A (1) |
N/A (1) |
71 |
KER1 – Future
Residential Development at Kerry Godown |
KER1 |
75 |
75 |
CKL1 - Flat 121 Cha Kwo Ling
Village |
CKL4 |
71 |
72 |
CKL2 - Flat 103 Cha Kwo Ling Village |
CKL5 |
69 |
74 |
Remarks: (1): No Maximum
Predicted Mitigated Construction Noise Levels was predicted in EIA Report
(AEIAR-174/2013) |
3.15 The result at CKL1, CKL2 were higher than the maximum predicted mitigated construction noise level in the EIA Report, AEIAR-174/2013 (as approved in 2013), this may be due to fluctuations of traffic flow along Cha Kwo Ling Road. Besides, the result at KTD1 and KER1 were lower than the maximum predicted mitigated construction noise level in the EIA Report. No Action and Limit Level exceedance were recorded in the reporting period.
4.1 According to Section of EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), no water quality monitoring is required during the construction phase.
4.2 According to Section of EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), compliance site audits are to be undertaken by the Engineer and ET and escorted by the Contractor to ensure that a valid discharge license has been issued by the EPD prior to the discharge of the effluent from the construction activities of the Project site. Monitoring of the quality of the treated effluent from the works areas should be carried out in accordance with the Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) license. The audit results reflect whether the effluent quality is in compliance with the discharge license requirements, the summaries of site audits are attached in Appendix I.
4.3 In the event of non-compliance, the responsibilities of the relevant parties are detailed in the Event / Action plan attached in Appendix J.
5.1 According to Section of EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), ET will be required to undertake audit of good site practice for habitat protection as detailed below. The summaries of site audits are attached in Appendix I.
· Avoid damage and disturbance to the remaining and surrounding natural habitat;
· Ensure placement of equipment is within designated areas within the existing disturbed land;
· Ensure construction activities are restricted to within the proposed works boundary;
· Ensure spoil heaps are be covered at all times;
· Ensure that disturbed areas are reinstated immediately after completion of the works; and
· Ensure enhancement planting works undertaken.
6.1 According to Section of EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), no specific fisheries monitoring and audit programme is required during the construction phase.
6.2 The implementation of the water quality mitigation measures stated in the Water Quality Impact Assessment (Refer to Section 6 of the EIA Report (AEIAR-174/2013)) will be audited as part of the EM&A procedures during the construction period and the details are presented in Section 4.2 of this Report. The summaries of site audits are attached in Appendix I.
7.1 According to the EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), a series of mitigation measures were recommended to ameliorate the landscape and visual impacts of the Project. The mitigation measures for construction stage are summarized in Table 7.1 below and provided in Appendix K:
Table 7.1 Construction Phase Landscape and Visual
Mitigation Measures
ID No. |
Landscape and Visual
Mitigation Measure |
CM1 |
All works shall be carefully designed to minimize impacts
on existing landscape resources and visually sensitive receivers. Existing trees
within works area shall be retained and
protected. |
CM2 |
Existing trees of good quality and condition that
are unavoidably affected by the works should be transplanted. |
CM3 |
Not used. |
CM4 |
Not used. |
CM5 |
Large temporary stockpiles of excavated material shall be
covered with unobtrusive sheeting to prevent dust and dirt spreading to
adjacent landscape areas and vegetation, and to create a neat and tidy visual
appearance. |
CM6 |
Construction plant and building material shall be orderly
and carefully stored in
order to create a neat and tidy visual appearance |
CM7 |
Erection of decorative screen hoarding should be designed
to be compatible with
the existing urban context. |
CM8 |
All lighting in construction site shall be carefully
controlled to minimize light pollution and night-time glare to
nearby residences and GIC user. The contractor shall consider
other security measures, which shall minimize the visual impacts. |
7.2 A specialist Landscape Sub-Contractor should be employed by the Contractor for the implementation of landscape construction works and subsequent maintenance operations during the establishment period. It is proposed that the planting works will be on-site and the planting should be completed during the construction contract. The monitoring of the planting establishment should be undertaken for a 12-month period which could extend throughout the Contractor’s one-year maintenance period, which will be within the first operational year of the Project.
7.3 All measures undertaken by both the Contractor and the specialist Landscape Sub-Contractor during the construction phase and first year of the operational phase shall be audited by a Registered Landscape Architect (RLA), as a member of the Environmental Team (ET), on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the intended aims of the measures. To fulfil the aforementioned requirements, on-site landscape and visual mitigation measures were audited by RLA in the reporting month.
7.4 According to Section of the EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), site audits shall be undertaken at least once every two weeks throughout the construction period to monitor and audit the timely implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures within the site boundaries of this Project.
7.5 The broad scope of the audit is detailed below but should also be undertaken with reference to the more specific checklist provided in Table 7.2. The summaries of site audits are attached in Appendix I:
extent of the agreed works areas should be regularly checked during the
construction phase. Any trespass by the Contractor outside the limit of the
works, including any damage to existing trees and soft landscape areas shall be
· the progress of the engineering works should be regularly reviewed on site to identify the earliest practical opportunities for the landscape works to be undertaken;
existing trees and vegetation within the study area which are not directly
affected by the works are retained and protected;
· the methods of protecting existing vegetation proposed by the Contractor are acceptable and enforced;
· preparation, lifting transport and re-planting operations for any transplanted trees;
· all landscaping works are carried out in accordance with the specifications;
· the planting of new trees, shrubs, groundcover, climbers, ferns, grasses and other plans, together with the replanting of any transplanted trees are carried out properly and within the right season; and
· all necessary horticultural operations and replacement planting are undertaken throughout the Establishment Period to ensure the healthy establishment and growth of both transplanted trees and all newly established plants.
Table 7.2 Construction Phase Audit Checklist for Landscape and Visual Mitigation
Area of Works |
Items to be Monitored |
Advance planting |
Monitoring of implementation and maintenance of planting, and
against possible incursion, physical damage, fire, pollution, surface
erosion, etc. |
Protection of all trees
and existing soft landscape areas to be retained |
Identification and demarcation
of trees / vegetation to be retained, erection of physical protection (e.g.
fencing), monitoring against possible incursion, physical damage, fire,
pollution, surface erosion, etc. |
Clearance of existing
vegetation |
Identification and
demarcation of trees / vegetation to be cleared, checking of extent of works
to minimise damage, monitoring of adjacent areas against possible incursion,
physical damage, fire, pollution, surface erosion, etc. |
Pruning of trees |
Identification and
demarcation of trees / vegetation to be pruned, monitoring of extent of
pruning to minimise damage, timing of operations, implementation of all
stages of preparatory and pruning works, and maintenance of pruned
vegetation, etc. |
Plant supply |
Monitoring of operations
relating to the supply of specialist plant material (including the
collecting, germination and growth of plants from seed) to ensure that plants
will be available in time to be used within the construction works. |
Soiling, planting, etc. |
Monitoring of
implementation and maintenance of soiling and planting works and against
possible incursion, physical damage, fire, pollution, surface erosion, etc. |
Site fencing and
hoarding |
Implementation and
maintenance, to ensure compliance with agreed designs and check that it
matches the surrounding environment and does not cause visual intrusion. |
Architectural treatment
of engineering works. |
Implementation and
maintenance of mitigation measures, to ensure compliance with agreed designs
as applicable. |
Establishment Works |
Monitoring of
implementation of maintenance operations during Establishment Period. |
7.6 In the event of non-compliance, the responsibilities of the relevant parties are detailed in the Event / Action plan attached in Appendix J.
In the reporting month, no
non-compliance of the landscape and visual mitigation measures was recorded by
8.1 According to Section of EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), as a precautionary measure, it is recommended that if any antiquity or supposed antiquity is discovered during the course of the excavation works undertaken by the Contractor, the discovery shall be reported to the AMO immediately and all necessary measures taken to preserve it.
8.2 According to Section of EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), no EM&A is required during the construction and operational phase.
9.1 According to Section of EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), the effective management of waste arisings during the construction phase will be monitored through the site audit programme. Regular audits and site inspections should be carried out by the Engineer, ET and Contractor to ensure that the recommended good site practices and other mitigation measures are implemented by the Contractor. The summaries of site audits are attached in Appendix I.
According to Sections
and of
EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013),
documents including licenses, permits, disposal and recycling records should be
reviewed and audited during site audits for the compliance with the legislation
and contract requirements to ensure proper records are being maintained and procedures
undertaken in accordance with the Waste Management Plan.
reference to the relevant handing records of this Project, the quantities of
different types of waste generated in the reporting month are summarized and
presented in the Appendix O.
10.1 Site audits were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor the timely implementation of proper environmental management practices and mitigation measures in the Project site. The summaries of site audits are attached in Appendix I.
10.2 Site audits for each contract were conducted as follows.
· ED/2018/04 – Site audit was conducted on 02, 09, 16, 23 & 28 January 2025 in the reporting month. Site inspection of the IEC was conducted on 23 January 2025. No non-compliances were observed during site audits.
· ED/2020/03 – Site audit was conducted on 02, 10, 16, 23 & 28 January 2025 in the reporting month. Site inspection of the IEC was conducted on 10 January 2025. No non-compliance was observed during the site audits.
10.3 According to Environmental Permits, the approved EIA Reports (Register No.: AEIAR-174/2013 and AEIAR-173/2013), and the EM&A Manuals of the Project (AEIAR-174/2013 and AEIAR-173/2013), the mitigation measures detailed in the documents are recommended to be implemented during the construction phase. An Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) is provided in Appendix K.
The ET weekly site inspections
were carried out during the reporting month and the observations and
recommendations are summarized in Table
10.1. Refer to Appendix I for
the site inspection summary reports in the reporting month.
10.1 Observations and Recommendations
of Site Audit
Parameters |
Date |
Observations and
Recommendations |
Follow-up |
Air Quality |
N/A |
was no observation in the reporting period. |
N/A |
Noise |
N/A |
was no observation in the reporting period. |
N/A |
Water Quality |
N/A |
was no observation in the reporting period. |
N/A |
Ecology |
N/A |
was no observation in the reporting period. |
N/A |
Landscape and Visual |
N/A |
was no observation in the reporting period. |
N/A |
Waste/ Chemical Management |
N/A |
There was no observation in the reporting
period. |
N/A |
Permits /Licences |
N/A |
was no observation in the reporting period. |
N/A |
10.5 The Event and Action Plans for air quality, construction noise, and landscape and visual are presented in Appendix J.
Air Quality Monitoring
· No Action and no Limit Level exceedance for 24-hour TSP monitoring was recorded.
Construction Noise
· No Action and Limit Level exceedance was recorded in the reporting month.
Landscape and Visual
· No landscape and visual non-conformity were recorded.
10.6 According the Section (c) of the EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013), status of required submission under EP-451/2013 during the reporting period are summarized in Table 10.2.
Table 10.2 Status of Required Submission under Environmental Permit
EP Condition |
Submission |
Submission Date |
EP-451/2013 |
Condition 2.3 |
Management Organization of Main Construction Companies for ED/2018/04 |
20 January 2020 |
Condition 2.3 |
Management Organization of Main Construction Companies for ED/2020/03 |
21 March 2023 |
Condition 2.4 |
Design Drawing of the Project |
20 January 2020 |
Condition 2.5 |
Landscape Mitigation Plan (Rev. F) |
25 November 2022 |
Condition 2.10 (a) |
Supplementary Contamination Assessment Plan |
18 December 2015 |
Condition 2.10 (b) |
Supplementary Contamination Assessment Report |
6 December 2016 |
Condition 3.3 |
Updated Baseline Monitoring Report |
3 November
2020 |
Condition 3.4 |
Monthly EM&A Report (December 2024) for ED/2018/04 and ED/2020/03 |
14 January 2025 |
11.1 The summaries of environmental complaint, warning, summon and notification of successful prosecution for the Project is presented in Appendix L.
11.2 The summary of exceedance record in the reporting month is shown in Appendix M.
11.3 No non-conformity was recorded for landscape and visual inspections conducted in the reporting month.
12.1 Tentative construction programmes for the next three months are provided in Appendix N.
12.2 Major site activities undertaken for the coming months and the key environmental issues are summarized as follows:
Table 12.1 Summary Table for Site Activities and the Key
Environmental Issues in the next Reporting Period
No. and Project Title |
Site Activities (February 2025) |
Environmental Issues |
ED/2018/04 - Trunk Road T2 and Infrastructure
Works for Developments at South Apron |
WVB – ABWF works 2.
WVB – E&M works 3.
WVB – External works 4.
DPR – GRC panel subframe installation 5.
SUS – E&M works 6.
LSCC – RC Structure 7.
LSCC – Backfilling 8.
TSS – WB internal structure from CP22 to CP26 9.
TSS – EB internal structure up to CP22 10.
CP – TSS WB Tympanum construction 11.
DPR – Parapet installation 12.
DPR – Sign gantry erection |
· Wheel washing bay at site exits; · Temporary noise barriers for PMEs; · Sedimentation tank for settling muddy water; and · Make sure open stockpiles are covered during rainstorm. |
ED/2020/03 - Trunk Road T2 - Traffic Control
And Surveillance System (TCSS) and Associated Works(1) |
FAT for Operation Facility 2.
FAT for Manual Barrier |
· The waste should be removed
regularly and litter free. · The storage area should be kept
tidy. |
Notes: (1): No major construction work was undertaken during reporting month. N/A: Not applicable |
12.3 The tentative environmental monitoring schedule for the next three months are shown in Appendix B.
13.1 This is the 59th Monthly EM&A Report which presents the EM&A works undertaken during the reporting month in accordance with the EM&A Manual (AEIAR-174/2013) and the requirement under EP.
Air Quality Monitoring
13.2 No Action and no Limit Level exceedance was recorded for 24-hour TSP monitoring in the reporting month.
Construction Noise Monitoring
13.3 No Limit Level exceedance was recorded for day-time construction noise monitoring in the reporting month.
13.4 No Action Level exceedance was recorded in the reporting month.
Site Audit
13.5 Five (5) ET joint weekly environmental site inspections were conducted for the Contact No. ED/2018/04 in the reporting month.
13.6 Five (5) ET joint environmental site inspections were conducted for the Contact No. ED/2020/03 in the reporting month.
Complaint, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution
No environmental complaint was
received in the reporting month. No notifications of summons and successful
prosecutions were received in the reporting month.
13.8 According to the environmental audit performed in the reporting month, the following recommendations was made:
Air Quality
Used / unused cement bags should be covered properly.
Waste / Chemical Management
The drip tray should be provided for the chemical container / oil drums
to avoid the chemical leakage and remove the used chemical containers / oil
drums regularly.